News & Announcements (Page 16)

News & Announcements (Page 16)

Rector’s Note: Waiting on In-Person Worship

Bishop Michael Hanley has released guidelines for Reengaging our Buildings and In-Person Worship. The brief version is this: we do not know when we will be reopening. My preference is that we do not reopen until we are all comfortable returning to in-person worship. At St. Philip, the decision to reopen will be discussed by the Vestry. Not only is this because it is important that we clearly discuss our concerns and struggles around this together, but we need to…

Tree of Life: Street Roots

St. Philip’s Tree of Life is our effort to give back to organizations that benefit our community, a commitment we made as a part of our 2019 Annual Budget. Not only do we experience God’s love in and through our parish, we recognize that God’s love is all around us, through organizations and ministries that care for all of God’s creation. Each one of these organizations is close to the heart of someone in our church family, and is supported by our…

Rector’s Note: City Advocacy

As many of you know, St. Philip has been a part of the Leaven Community Land and Housing Coalition. Mtr. Alcena Boozer, Joe Nunn, Hope Keller, Sarah Groshell and Medina Glenn have all gathered to discuss what advocating for Affordable Housing looks like, and how St. Philip might use our land to benefit our neighbors and city. Today, I testified (via Zoom) before City Council to support the Expanding Opportunities for Affordable Housing. Written testimony can be submitted until May…

Sew with us: Packed with Dignity

Come sew with us! Goal: 100 Backpacks for men and 100 Backpacks for women will be created for the clients who use the services of the EMO HIV Day Center. The backpacks will be created by friends of St Philip the Deacon church under the direction of Viola Horton. The packs will be filled with a 20 piece pre-assembled hygiene kit, and additional items such as socks, underwear, masks, washcloths, feminine hygiene products, all in various sizes. How a ministry…

Act from Home for Homes!

Act from Home for Homes! Portland City commissioners will be voting May 14th on proposed code and zoning amendments that will remove barriers to affordable housing development on faith community land. Show your support from home by calling and submitting online testimony. Join us to learn how!

Celebrating the Triduum

While Easter is every Sunday, the Great Three Days—the Triduum—are like one great Sunday. We have created a service booklet that allows you to pray the three central days of the Christian year at home or with family. The Maundy Thursday liturgy is designed to be done over a meal, or after, as you choose. Good Friday and the Easter Vigil will be celebrated via Zoom.

Palm Sunday Liturgy

Join us online at 10am for Palm Sunday Liturgy. We will join via video the Diocesan Blessing of the Palms, and continue with Morning Prayer, and then share coffee hour.

Celebrating Holy Week

Right now, Holy Week is almost upon us, a week we will spend at home. While this may seem strange to us, many of our Lenten and Holy Week practices began in the homes of early Christians, and only later grew into the magnificent services to which we have grown accustomed. At St. Philip, we will start by gathering over Zoom to celebrate the Liturgy of the Palms, and join with our sisters, brothers and friends across our Diocese throughout the week.