

Announcements and updates from St. Philip the Deacon Episcopal Church in Portland, Oregon.

Sunday, July 28: Parish Conversation with The Rev’d Chris Craun

Please plan to attend church on Sunday, July 28th when we welcome The Rev’d Chris Craun, the diocesan Canon for the Ordinary, as celebrant and preacher. There will be a special coffee hour after the service where Rev Chris will share perspectives from the Diocese in preparation for Bishop Akiyama’s visit in September. If you have questions before that Sunday, you can speak with Senior Warden Gail Thompson.

July 14 Guest Preacher: A-Too Williams, Dean of the Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity in Monrovia, Liberia

This Sunday, July 14, we welcome Canon A-Too Williams, the Dean of the Cathedral in Liberia’s capital, Monrovia. He was part of The Michael B. Curry Distinguisher Preacher Series at Trinity Cathedral. He is also a visiting Portland as a guest of Grace Memorial to launch a $15k Borehole Well Project that will supply safe water to the cathedral and school in Liberia. About the preacher: The Rev’d Canon A-Too Williams was born in Harbel, Liberia. He attended African Bible…

Deadline: Special Rites During the Bishop’s Visitation

On Sunday, September 8, 2024, Bishop Diana Akiyama will visit St. Philip. That day, she can celebrate baptisms, confirmations, receptions, or reaffirmations. If you or a family member wants to be baptized, reaffirmed, etc please let the office know no later than Sunday, July 14. Do you have questions about the differences between these? Candidates for baptism can be of any age. While older children and adults can speak for themselves at the Presentation and Examination of the Candidates,…

Rummage Sale for Outreach, Saturday June 8th 10am-3pm

Faye Powell has organized a church-wide rummage sale to develop an emergency fund to serve our unhoused neighbors, and she still needs your help. Please bring your items- clean, in good working order, and fairly priced by you- to the church no earlier than Sunday, June 2nd. Some suggestions are: clothing for kids and adults, toys and games, sports equipment, housewares, home decor, costume jewelry, garden tools, etc. We still need volunteers to help advertise the event (flyers are available),…

Rest Eternal: Patrick Childs

Patrick Eugene Childs, Jan’s son, died Friday, May 17, peacefully without pain, surrounded by prayers and love. A memorial service will be held at St. John the Evangelist (2036 SE Jefferson St, Milwaukie, OR) on Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 1:00pm with a reception to follow. Patrick was a lifelong sports fan, eagerly awaiting the game –often games– to listen to each day, In remembrance, those attending are encouraged to wear apparel from their favorite sports team.

Preparation for Bishop Akiyama’s Triennial Visitation in September

The Bishop visits every parish in the diocese at least once every three years to celebrate a Eucharist service. Bishop Akiyama is scheduled to visit St. Philip the Deacon on Sunday, September 8, 2024. While she is here, she can celebrate baptisms, confirmations, receptions, and reaffirmations. If you or someone you know would like to receive one of these sacraments, please reach out to the office as soon as possible. There are some requirements and forms to be completed no…

UBE table at the Diocesan Renewal Gathering, June 1

The Pacific Northwest Union of Black Episcopalians (PNW UBE) includes members from the Diocese of Olympia and the Diocese of Western Oregon. The Chapter is hoping to strengthen connections between the two Dioceses, and to that end hopes to host an informational table at the upcoming Diocesan Renewal Gathering on June 1 at St Paul’s in Salem (go to this link for more information and to register for lunch  If you are interested in helping man the table (particularly if you actually…

Save the Date: Church Rummage Sale June 8th 10am-3pm

Faye Powell is organizing a church-wide rummage sale to develop an emergency fund to serve our unhoused neighbors, and she needs your help. As you do your spring cleaning, set aside items that are clean and in good working condition: clothing for kids and adults, toys and games, sports equipment, housewares, home decor, costume jewelry, garden tools, etc. As the date gets closer, we will need you to fairly price your items and bring them to the church. We will…

Diocesan Renewal Gathering, June 1st at St. Paul in Salem

Mark your calendar for the first diocese-wide gathering since Bishop Diana arrived nearly five years. The theme of the day is “Healthy Leaders, Healthy Communities”. In addition, the guest speaker is The Rt. Rev. Robert Wright, the first African-American Bishop of the Diocese of Atlanta and candidate to be our next Presiding Bishop. Bishop Wright will be leading three sessions that day. Registration for this event is free; a complementary lunch is provided if you register prior to May 22.…

Memorial Service for Lesley Unthank, Tuesday April 23 11am

The community mourns the loss of Lesley Unthank. Although she spent the last 18 months of her life with her family in Georgia, Lesley and the whole Unthank family are an important part of the history of St. Philip the Deacon. Mthr Alcena and Rev’d Bob will celebrate a Memorial Service for her on Tuesday, April 23rd at 11am. Everyone who knew and loved her is invited to attend.