Housing Update: Council will deliver Upzone!

Housing Update: Council will deliver Upzone!

On Wednesday of this week Revd Maria testified in front of the Portland City Council to ask for final, and immediate, approval of St. Philip’s upzone, required to complete the funding of The Alcena.

They said YES! (or, they will, on the 10th).

The City Council heard the motion to upzone 120/130 NE Knott St. on March 3rd, and scheduled the required second hearing promptly on March 10th. The Council will amend the motion to make it an emergency declaration. Their prompt approval will allow us to complete our LIFT application on time. 

Thank you to Commissioner Rubio’s office for listening to and sorting through the various issues to move this forward, and for Commissioner Mapps’s advocacy, and the listening ear of Commissioner Ryan. As always, we are personally appreciative of Commissioner Hardesty’s continued eagle eye on all of us to ensure land is actually used for affordable housing. Our hope is that our faith communities continue to earn the trust and good faith Mayor Wheeler and the Commissioners are extending to us. We entirely support the efforts of the council to hold us accountable to our commitment to care for our most vulnerable neighbors in tangible, and long-term, ways. We look forward to our continued partnership in this effort.