Call to Action: Upzone Vote

Call to Action: Upzone Vote

This is a call to send emails and submit testimony by March 2 at 4pm to the Mayor and Commissioners (Portland City Council) requesting a vote of approval – to go into effect immediately – for our upzone request. We need an emergency declaration to be made at the City Council Meeting so that they can vote to approve our upzone without the normal wait time. This request is urgent because St Philip’s application for LIFT funding is dependent on this upzone and must be submitted by the end of March. Commissioner Mingus Mapps has agreed to make a motion for the emergency declaration, but it must be unanimous to pass, so please, write the commissioners, submit written testimony or sign up to testify in person!

Sample Email

(see Revd Maria’s letter here)

Greetings (Commissioner/Mayor)
My name is [ ] and I live in (city or county). I am a member of (faith community/organization) and we are also participants in the Leaven Community Land and Housing Coalition, a coalition of faith communities in Multnomah, Clackamas and Washington County, leveraging our land and resources so that all Oregonians can come home.

On March 3rd, you will have before you a recommendation from BPS to upzone 120/130 NE Knott street from RM1 to CM3. I am asking that you make an amendment to the motion to make it an emergency declaration, and that you vote to approve the upzone on March 3rd, with immediate effect. This will enable us to complete our application for LIFT funding, due on March 25th.

—> Share 2-3 sentences about your story – your why or your particular faith community’s why in regard to the value of providing housing for our neighbors.

As a part of the Expanding Affordable Housing Opportunities program, one of our coalition congregations, St. Philip the Deacon, requested an upzone of 120 and 130 NE Knott St. from RM1 to CM3 in order to build affordable housing. Approval was delayed so that BPS could go through due diligence in review and recommend the upzone. That review is complete and the recommendation has been given by BPS.

St. Philip, with PCRI, is applying for LIFT funds, and the final application is due at the end of March. The upzone is required to support this application.
Your action is crucial. At the March 3rd City Council meeting please approve the upzone of 120/130 to go into effect immediately so it is clear on their application that zoning is a done deal.

Our neighbors need your help, creativity and support in leveraging every option and financing stream to begin solving the crisis of housing instability and homelessness in our city and county.

Respectfully – Sincerely
Your Name

Commissioner Contacts

Mayor Ted Wheeler – [email protected]
Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty – [email protected]
Commissioner Carmen Rubio – [email protected]
Commissioner Mingus Mapps – [email protected]
Commissioner Dan Ryan – [email protected]


For written testimony:

  2. Click on “Expanding Opportunities for Affordable Housing – Package B” then click the “Testify” button.
  3. Testifying in the Map App is as easy as sending an email.

To Testify at the City Council hearing: The hearing, on March 3, 2021 at 2:00 p.m., will be held virtually. You can use a computer, mobile device or telephone to testify during the hearing. To testify during the hearing, please register at the following link: registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the virtual hearing. The deadline to sign up for the March 3, 2021 Council hearing is Tuesday, March 2, 2021 at 4:00 p.m. Individuals have three minutes to testify, unless stated otherwise at the hearing. Email the Council Clerk at [email protected] with questions.