Posts from 2024

Posts from 2024

UBE table at the Diocesan Renewal Gathering, June 1

The Pacific Northwest Union of Black Episcopalians (PNW UBE) includes members from the Diocese of Olympia and the Diocese of Western Oregon. The Chapter is hoping to strengthen connections between the two Dioceses, and to that end hopes to host an informational table at the upcoming Diocesan Renewal Gathering on June 1 at St Paul’s in Salem (go to this link for more information and to register for lunch  If you are interested in helping man the table (particularly if you actually…

Save the Date: Church Rummage Sale June 8th 10am-3pm

Faye Powell is organizing a church-wide rummage sale to develop an emergency fund to serve our unhoused neighbors, and she needs your help. As you do your spring cleaning, set aside items that are clean and in good working condition: clothing for kids and adults, toys and games, sports equipment, housewares, home decor, costume jewelry, garden tools, etc. As the date gets closer, we will need you to fairly price your items and bring them to the church. We will…

Diocesan Renewal Gathering, June 1st at St. Paul in Salem

Mark your calendar for the first diocese-wide gathering since Bishop Diana arrived nearly five years. The theme of the day is “Healthy Leaders, Healthy Communities”. In addition, the guest speaker is The Rt. Rev. Robert Wright, the first African-American Bishop of the Diocese of Atlanta and candidate to be our next Presiding Bishop. Bishop Wright will be leading three sessions that day. Registration for this event is free; a complementary lunch is provided if you register prior to May 22.…

Memorial Service for Lesley Unthank, Tuesday April 23 11am

The community mourns the loss of Lesley Unthank. Although she spent the last 18 months of her life with her family in Georgia, Lesley and the whole Unthank family are an important part of the history of St. Philip the Deacon. Mthr Alcena and Rev’d Bob will celebrate a Memorial Service for her on Tuesday, April 23rd at 11am. Everyone who knew and loved her is invited to attend.

Holy Week at St. Philip the Deacon

This Sunday we begin Holy Week with the Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday. The Rev’d Mark Stanger joins us for the entire week, walking us through Jesus’s triumphant arrival in Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, through the last supper and Jesus’s arrest on Maundy Thursday, and the crucifixion on Good Friday. He will also be with us as we celebrate the resurrection on Easter Sunday. You are invited to join us for any or all of the services. Holy Week…

No livestream this week or next

Unfortunately, we will not be able to livestream the Sunday service this week, March 10th, or next week, March 17th. We will be back up and streaming on Palm Sunday, March 24th. If you are a St. Philip parishioner and would like to learn how to run the livestream in the future, please reach out to the office.

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper: Tuesday February 13th 5-6:30pm

Lent is right around the corner, but we still have time for one more party. St. Philip has a long-standing tradition of holding a fun feast the night before Ash Wednesday, and this year we’re returning to pancakes. As always, everyone is invited whether they are parishioners or just friends and neighbors. We’ll be serving from 5-6:30pm If you can help set up or clean up, please reach out to Bernadine.

Annual Meeting This Sunday, February 11

Please plan to join us in person this Sunday, February 11th immediately after the 10am service for the Annual Meeting. We’ll elect new vestry members and Convention delegates, look at the 2024 budget, and hear reports from our ministry teams. We’re even providing Subway sandwiches, so there’s no need to hurry home for lunch!

St. Philip remains closed, Sunday, January 21st

While the Portland Metro area is recovering from the severe weather of the last week, the side roads, sidewalks, and parking lots remain unpredictably icy and dangerous. The Vestry was evaluating the potential of reopening the church for Sunday service tomorrow, January 21st, when they heard from the Rev’d Sara Fischer, our scheduled supply priest, that she is ill and unlikely to be able to serve. Given the lack of clergy combined with continued slippery walkways, the Wardens have decided…

Weather Update: St Philip CLOSED on Sunday, January 14

The Wardens have decided that we will not be holding church service this Sunday, January 14th due to the winter storm. Extremely cold temperatures, high winds, and icy roads make it unsafe to travel. Please stay home and stay safe. The Vestry meeting scheduled for this Sunday will be held next week after the parish conversation about the 2024 budget with the vestry and our bookkeeper. While many area churches have also cancelled Sunday services this week, there are some…

Inclement Weather

As you know, the Portland metro area is expecting severe weather this weekend. Heavy rain and sleet followed by frigidly cold temperatures and high winds will likely result in icy roads and sidewalks, and snow is forecast starting Friday evening. The Wardens are watching this very closely and staying in close contact with one another, the supply priest, and the parish admin. By Saturday morning, the Wardens will decide whether or not we will hold the Sunday church service in…