Zoom Meeting: Gender Inclusion in the Church

Zoom Meeting: Gender Inclusion in the Church

On Thursday, January 19th at 6:30pm, St. John the Evangelist in Milwaukie is hosting a Zoom conversation on becoming an inclusive church community, an intro to gender inclusion in the church.

You are invited to a presentation and conversation on how we, as the church, might more fully embody Christ’s love and welcome of all people who are made in God’s image. This introductory class will include an overview of current terminology around sexual orientation and gender identity and ways to live into our call to be welcoming and inclusive allies to all people, particularly trans and non-binary.  There will be time for questions and discussion. This class will be facilitated by Mary Rowe and the Rev. Jeanne Kaliszewski. 

The registration link is: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwvf-mspzwjE9MCpMUMNl0e93zbjw1hbXrN

For questions or help registering, email Revd Jeanne at [email protected]