“To be human in an aching world is to know our dignity and become people who safeguard the dignity of everything around us.”
Cole Arthur Riley
In parallel with the Liberation Theology Reading group, Rev’d Maria would like to invite the parish to read This Here Flesh: Spirituality, Liberation and the Stories That Make Us by Cole Arthur Riley.
Riley, an African-American Episcopalian, is the creator of #BlackLiturgies, an Instagram space that integrates spiritual practice with Black emotion, Black literature, and the Black body.
We will meet for 45 minutes after church on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month to discuss 3 chapters each week. We’ll meet this month on August 6, and August 20 with dates in September to be confirmed.
The Liberation Theology reading group will also be discussing this book on Saturday, August 19th at 2pm at St. Philip. Everyone is invited to that group, as well, for further conversations around Womanist and Black Liberation Theology.
You can find the book at Powell’s or Amazon for under $20.