Alcena Affordable Housing Project Update
from Gary Carroll, II
At the annual meeting of the St. Philip’s congregation, Gary Carroll and Rev. Maria presented the progress and process of The Alcena, and included information on the latest discussions between St. Philip’s and our project partner, PCRI. Additionally, they shared the new project parameters that the vestry requested our consultant, Second Stories, to explore.
Second Stories produced additional options for St. Philips to consider and the congregation was asked to rank-choice vote on which option (0-3) best aligned with their values St. Philip’s mission.
The mission and populations served for each of the options are as follows:
- Option 0: Mostly senior black and BIPOC men who are looking for affordable rental housing; leaves the church building as is.
- Option 1: No defined population but very likely similar to Option 0, there is space to increase capacity of some units. Includes a day care facility and reimagined worship space.

- Option 2: Mostly formerly incarcerated black/BIPOC mothers. This is an affordable homeownership option which addresses the issues around generational wealth development. Also includes a day care facility and reimagined worship space.
- Option3: Similar to Option 2, another affordable homeownership option. Does include reimagined worship space but does NOT include a day care center.

The congregation overwhelmingly voted in favor of option 1 which contains about 75 units, a day care center, and a reimagined space for the church. The vestry will take this information into consideration and begin discernment on the next steps. The decision on which direction to proceed will need to be made before June 1, 2023 in order to remain on task and in accordance with future funding cycles.