Going Deeper: What are the qualities of racial reconcilation?

Going Deeper: What are the qualities of racial reconcilation?

The Diocese of Oregon’s Engaging Racial Justice Working Group (formerly the Commission to End Racism) is asking all parishes to discuss the following question:

If the Dioceses of Oregon were to undergo a powerful transformation of racial
reconciliation through the power of the Holy Spirit, what specific qualities and
characteristics would we see?

Please take the time to reflect on the question and consider concretely what the process of reconciliation and its result actually looks like.

We will be discussing this question, in person, after the next TWO Sunday services. On Aug 22, we will break into small groups, similar to our breakout rooms. On Aug 29th, we will discuss as a group and collate the conversation. Bernadine Clay, who serves on the ERJ will bring our conversation back to the group.